Winter’s ‘coolest’ snow sculptures
Those fresh snow piles that accumulate on the sides of a driveway after a snow plow? Think of them as a snow plower’s gift to you—a kind of medium that will get your artistic juices flowing.
Snow sculpting isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s time intensive, the project scope is generally large, and it requires those who are unafraid of facing brutal winter conditions. But when a PLOWZ delivers you a professionally plowed driveway and the additional benefit of freshly churned powder for sculpting, it’s hard to simply sip coffee from inside a warm home and ignore it. So strap on some snow pants, a hat, and some ski goggles, and use our list of winter’s coolest snow sculptures as inspiration.
This 22ft tall work of art took a total of 350 hours to build. See a time lapse video of the project here:

Fire and ice – this creation had to be inspired by the late Robert Frost. There’s no denying this sculpture is hot.
A Peanut’s classic. Snoopy is all of us when a PLOWZ comes to clear our driveway and we get to stay in bed.
And of course, for the traditionalist in all of us – the classic snowman. Your work can only get better from here.