Lists of what you need in your vehicle for winter driving aren’t geared toward the professional snow-removal business, especially a business where the sole employee is also the boss. While they won’t hurt, they’re not always as intuitive as the list-writer may think.
So, with an intuitive look at winter plowing, and because time is literally money in this business, a professional snow-plow operator should consider carrying:
For safety, wear a blaze orange vest if you think you’ll have to get out of the vehicle much—or at least have one in the truck. You want to be easily seen in blowing, drifting snow. As much as you’d think dark clothing would stand out in the white snow, it just doesn’t.
Keep your wits about you. Don’t let other drivers get your goat. Give them the right-of-way, especially if you’ve got your name and phone number on your vehicle. No one needs that kind of negative publicity.
Wear your seat belt, skip auto-driving options, keep double the normal space between your vehicle and the one ahead of you (remember, your vehicle is heavier than normal with that plow on the front), and drive the speed limit or less. While time is money, as we said in the beginning, you’re not going to make any money if you get in an accident.
Posted on November 16, 2021
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