The Buffalo, NY clean-up effort is in full swing this week as the roads are back open and the snow is starting to melt. The deadly Winter Storm Knife hit the area last week dumping as much as 8 feet of snow in some areas. The team at Plowz & Mowz worked around the clock all week, sending in providers from across the Northeast with construction equipment to make sure we could get all of our customers dug out as quickly as possible.

We saw some great stories and pictures this week from both our customers and providers. Check out some of the best and worst of Winter Storm Knife below:

The Good:


It’s really heartwarming to see people helping their neighbors.


At least the door opens. You’ll see why that’s an accomplishment further down the page.


If you can’t drive anyways, might as well enjoy yourself.


He’s actually a giant. The high snow just makes him look small.

The Bad:


Before and after. Taken just a few hours apart.


You might want to get that before it’s buried. You might need it later.


Great new security system to keep people out.


How many cars can you find in this photo?

The Happy:




WARNING: Plowz can make you feel like a 1970’s-80’s pop icon


Burning the midnight oil.

Buffalo - Emily TW - Plowz

Buffalo - Tom TW - Plowz

A big thank you to all of the providers that came in from out of town and helped out with the effort. Without them we never would have been able to get to all of our customers. Thanks to all of the customers who were incredibly patient and understanding of any issues that arose due to the extreme conditions.