Coronavirus has disrupted all of our plans over the last 6 months. However, many people have discovered new hobbies and others have learned, with the extra time on their hands, new ways to entertain themselves. One of our co-founders, Wills, is a prime example of someone who has picked up a new hobby and is ready to watch it grow!
Wills recently ordered an Indoor Hydroponic Vegetable Garden Kit straight from Amazon! And Wills is letting us follow along with his plans for the kit, maintenance, and he even wants the reader’s help on what he should grow next. To keep up with the progress, we are introducing a new series on our blog for everyone to stay up to date with Wills and his veggies!
Starting off, we’ve asked Wills a few questions related to his motivation for buying the kit, how the setup went, and what are his goals for his at-home veggies! Follow along with the progress and send in your feedback! We welcome it all, the good and the bad!
The main reason I bought the kit was to give my family the option for healthy vegetables all year long. Everything from fresh lettuce to tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and much more. I’m excited to have all kinds of pesticide-free, organic vegetables in my home. Also, I knew it would turn into a fun activity for my family during the winter, especially as it starts to get colder and we spending more time indoors due to COVID-19.
My outdoor garden is almost spent. I’ve recently cut out all red meat and processed foods. I am looking for a healthier lifestyle for myself and my family and this seemed like the best way to get started with that.
My kids were extremely interested in the kit as soon as it arrived. They wanted to know all about what it does and any jobs I could give them to help out. Having this home garden will help teach my kids that eating healthy can be easy and also gives them the option to explore and become familiar with new veggies.
I set up the garden in the basement out of the way. This spot has been turning out to be the perfect place because it makes me set aside the time during the day to go and check up on the progress.
Super easy, I was able to get it up and running in 30 minutes. I set up the frame, covering, filled up the grow pots with Scotts dirt, set up a timer, and I plan on buying an automatic watering system. I also got a thermometer set up to monitor the temperature inside the tent.
I would like to have an abundant amount of vegetables throughout the winter. As well as learn how to quickly grow all kinds of different veggies. And after the vegetables are grown, I want to start exploring new vegetable options with recipes in the kitchen.
If you want to do more than just follow along with Wills and his indoor vegetable garden journey, then you can join him! Order your own vegetable kit and LED light to start your own at home garden! Stay tuned for all the progress of Wills indoor vegetable garden!
Posted on October 6, 2020
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