A classic that pays homage to Natural Environment Research Council's (NERC) 2016 public poll to name a new research vessel.
A 2020 winner of Syracuse, NY's snow plow naming contest. A humorous reference to the computer function many turn to when they're experiencing issues.
A 2022 winner for the Ohio Turnpike fleet, is a great reference and play on words with the 1998 comedy movie of a similar name.
A 2023 winner for the Mass DOT, this was submitted by a 4th grade class in Malden! A much appreciate reference to the 60's Rock band of a similar name.
Hello there! One year ago, in a city far, far away, the city of Boulder, CO selected this name as a winner to it's 2023 contest to name a snow plow along with other references to the classic film franchise.
A snow plow in Vermont, named by students at the Northwest Primary School. This snow plow is a reference to the Pixar movie character that goes to "Icefinity & Beyond!"
A 2022-23 winner of the Name a Snowplow Contest for the Minnesota DOT that would make Hagrid himself shed a tear of appreciation.
A snow plow in the Southwest Region of Michigan's fleet, is a nice nod to the famous author William Shakespeare.
A 2023 winner for Chicago's Name a Snowplow Contest says what we all think when you wake up to a foot of snow outside.
Know of an funny snow plow names? Whether they’re personal plows, company plows, or municipal plows, we want to know about them! Email [email protected] with the Subject: “Funny Plow Submission for Stephen” and maybe we’ll add them to our growing list!
Posted on December 11, 2024