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9 Tips on Summer Lawn Care in Tampa, FL


Did you know that the curb appeal can help you sell your home?

That’s just one of the reasons you need to put summer lawn care first.

Need some help? In this guide, we’ll go over mowing, pest control, and everything in between.

Keep reading to learn more!

1. Examine Your Lawn in the Spring

Walk around your yard during the summer months to check if there are any brown spots. You’ll need to identify the disease and give it the proper treatment.

Do you notice the lawn’s flattened? Consider ordering an aeration service. The holes will loosen up the soil and allow for more robust nutrient and water absorption.

Next, you’ll want to rake dead spots on your lawn. Reseed part of the lawn with grass seed that matches the remaining part of your yard.

Did the snowplow damage parts of your lawn? You can remove the section that got damaged and replace it with new sod.

If there are areas with soil erosion, consider a mulch bed. Learn more about how to mulch your yard.

2. Fertilize Your Lawn

To maintain a healthy lawn, you need a balance of watering, fertilizer, and mowing. If you over-fertilize your yard, you could harm the lawn. The ideal amount will depend on the type of grass.

To feed your grass over the next few weeks, apply a slow-release fertilizer. Check the forecast for a calm and sunny day. This way, the fertilizer will stay in the right area.

After DIY jobs, you can get rid of the remaining fertilizer in the same way you would get rid of household chemicals. If you’re looking for some help fertilizing your lawn this year, get a free quote for one of our trusted lawn pros in the Tampa area.

3. Water Your Lawn

You don’t have to water every day, but when you do, make sure it’s the right amount of water to help the root system.

Set up an automatic sprinkler system and create a watering schedule. Your lawn will need around an inch of water every week.

Regular watering will help you maintain your lawn. Try to water your yard in the early morning. This way, your grass won’t remain damp for an extended period. Also, the bulk of the moisture won’t evaporate right away, like in the afternoon.

Try to avoid watering your lawn in the evening. If you water at night time, the grass will remain wet overnight, causing fungal growth.

4. Summer Lawn Care and Watering Restrictions

In Florida, some regions experience water shortages. You might find that your area has a lawn watering restriction. The regulations will vary, but make sure you find out the specific rules that apply to you.

The restrictions will outline how long you can run your sprinklers and what days you can water your lawn.

If there isn’t a specific day outlined, consider watching the weather forecast for the next week. Time your sprinkler, so you use it between rainy days. Your lawn will get water from both your sprinklers and the rain.

5. Sharpen the Blades on Your Lawnmower

Keep the blades balanced and sharp on your lawnmower. This way, you will get a clean cut.

Re-sharpen your blades after using the mower for ten hours or so. Dull blades can shred grass in an uneven manner. You will have a poor cut, and this could also cause the grass to become diseased.

6. Leave the Grass Clippings

Change up the pattern each time you mow, so the grass stands straight. Let grass clippings fall and remain on the lawn.

Grasscycling will return proper nutrients to the soil, and fertilize the lawn.

7. Don’t Mow Too Much

One of the first mistakes people make with their lawn care is over-mowing. Some people end up cutting their grass too short.

Even though you don’t have to mow your lawn as often because the grass is short, you aren’t benefiting your yard. Clip one-third of the grass when you mow.

If you cut more, you can create an unhealthy buildup of clippings. The clippings will take longer to decompose, and this can stunt your lawn’s growth rate.

Let your grass grow longer. Root growth will improve when you let the grass grow. When you’re about to mow, adjust the height of your blades.

Depending on the grass type and weather, you could mow every week or two weeks.  This way, the lawn will remain healthy, and you can get rid of weeds.

8. Pest Control and Weeding

Weeds become more visible in the summer and can overshadow the grass on your lawn. If you didn’t use a pre-emergent herbicide in the spring, you could still remove the weeds. You can try a chemical control or weed by hand.

If your lawn has only a few weeds, you can get rid of them by hand. If you have a yard that’s covered with weeds, you might want to try a chemical control.

9. How to Prepare for Next Summer

In the fall, the leaves will pile up. Don’t let them turn into massive piles because they can damage your lawn and create a fungal problem. Remove the leaves often, so they don’t get wet.

Apply fertilizer in the fall to feed your grass during the cold season. This way, you will have a healthy lawn for the upcoming spring and summer seasons.

Contact Us Today

We hope you found this guide on summer lawn care helpful. We encourage you to take the time to create a schedule for your lawn care.

Need help? Consider working with lawn care professionals! Contact us if you have any questions about your lawn and we’ll be happy to help!

Posted on June 11, 2020

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