A happy lawn makes for a happy Fourth. Why? Because there’s no better time of the year to enjoy your yard with friends and family than the celebration of America’s Independence. Similarly, this also means there is no time of the year when it is as important to have that yard looking its best.
Luckily for you, there’s MOWZ on demand lawn service. Order before July 1st using the code ‘mowz4july‘ and save $15 when ordering a professional lawn mow for your lawn! Once your lawn is in tip-top shape, it’s up to you, your family, and your friends to enjoy it! We’re sure you will, but if you’re looking to try something new, here are 7 games perfect for this weekend.
1) Yard Twister– Who doesn’t love twister? The answer: nobody. When the whole family is over, and you’re struggling to fit the whole crew onto one board it’s time to think bigger. Think lawn! Using ground marking spray (to avoid harming the grass) you get to decide just how big you want the board to be. Left foot RED, right hand AWESOME.
2) DIY Passing Practice Tarp– It’s been months since the end of the football season. If mom and dad miss seeing their favorite quarterbacks compete on Sundays, then here’s their chance to start training the next super star. Cut out several shapes in a tarp, coloring the edges with different colored duct tape assessing different values to each of the holes. Gather all the balls laying around the garage and see who can rack up the high score.
3) Bean Bag Toss– Got a board? Got some buckets? ..yes? Then you’ve got yourself a game. Drill different sized buckets to a board, and start tossing. If you don’t have bean bags to toss, or the in-laws skipped ahead to the DIY Cornhole Board and all the bean bags are in use, then feel free to substitute them with rings, rocks, balls, or anything else that you have laying around.
4) Backyard Bowling– If you find yourself craving 10 fresh frames at the local lanes, but don’t want to leave the Fourth of July festivities, there is a compromise just perfect for you… Backyard Bowling. Decorate some empty water bottles as pins and set them up in the alley, on your porch or patio, and you’ve got yourself a bowling alley.
5) Tin Can Toss– This is the second “toss” game on this list, but that’s totally okay. Tossing makes for fun for everyone. Make the adults take a few steps back from the little ones and you’ve got yourself a fair playing field. This game consists of hanging varying sizes of tin cans from a homemade structure. Toss marbles, rocks, balls, or bean bags and see who’s the marksman of the group.
6) Stumps Tug-of-War– Feeling a little bit more competitive? Maybe this game is right for you. Celebrate Uncle Sam by facing off against Uncle Tom in the ultimate game of both strength and balance. Grab a rope and a couple upside-down milk crates and see who’s left standing. Want higher stakes? Simply add mud.
7) DIY Cornhole Board– The classic. No further description needed.